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NO.65 VASE NO.65 VASE MEANING OF CHICKEN TRADITIONALLY, IN KOREA, A PAINTING OR DOLL OF CHICKENS HAVE BEEN GIVEN AS A GIFT WISHING FOR SOCIAL SUCCESS AND A CHARM PREVENTING UNFORTUNATE EVENTS. From the past, chickens have been regarded as 'the first animal to announce the dawn' and as a watchman to signal the beginning of the day. Chickens chase away darkness and evil with their cry and bring light. Chicke..
NO.64 VASE NO.64 VASE MEANING OF CHICKEN TRADITIONALLY, IN KOREA, A PAINTING OR DOLL OF CHICKENS HAVE BEEN GIVEN AS A GIFT WISHING FOR SOCIAL SUCCESS AND A CHARM PREVENTING UNFORTUNATE EVENTS. From the past, chickens have been regarded as 'the first animal to announce the dawn' and as a watchman to signal the beginning of the day. Chickens chase away darkness and evil with their cry and bring light. Chicke..
NO.63 VASE NO.63 VASE MEANING OF CHICKEN TRADITIONALLY, IN KOREA, A PAINTING OR DOLL OF CHICKENS HAVE BEEN GIVEN AS A GIFT WISHING FOR SOCIAL SUCCESS AND A CHARM PREVENTING UNFORTUNATE EVENTS. From the past, chickens have been regarded as 'the first animal to announce the dawn' and as a watchman to signal the beginning of the day. Chickens chase away darkness and evil with their cry and bring light. Chicke..
SOLD_NO.62 VASE_The Noguchi Museum, NY NO.62 VASE  MEANING OF CHICKENTRADITIONALLY, IN KOREA, A PAINTING OR DOLL OF CHICKENS HAVE BEEN GIVEN AS A GIFT WISHING FOR SOCIAL SUCCESS AND A CHARM PREVENTING UNFORTUNATE EVENTS.From the past, chickens have been regarded as 'the first animal to announce the dawn' and as a watchman to signal the beginning of the day. Chickens chase away darkness and evil with their cry and bring light. Chicken..
NO.61 VASE NO.61 VASE MEANING OF CHICKEN TRADITIONALLY, IN KOREA, A PAINTING OR DOLL OF CHICKENS HAVE BEEN GIVEN AS A GIFT WISHING FOR SOCIAL SUCCESS AND A CHARM PREVENTING UNFORTUNATE EVENTS. From the past, chickens have been regarded as 'the first animal to announce the dawn' and as a watchman to signal the beginning of the day. Chickens chase away darkness and evil with their cry and bring light. Chicke..
NO.60 VASE NO.60 VASE MEANING OF CHICKEN TRADITIONALLY, IN KOREA, A PAINTING OR DOLL OF CHICKENS HAVE BEEN GIVEN AS A GIFT WISHING FOR SOCIAL SUCCESS AND A CHARM PREVENTING UNFORTUNATE EVENTS. From the past, chickens have been regarded as 'the first animal to announce the dawn' and as a watchman to signal the beginning of the day. Chickens chase away darkness and evil with their cry and bring light. Chicke..
SOLD_NO.59 VASE _The Noguchi Museum, NY NO.59 VASE  MEANING OF CHICKENTRADITIONALLY, IN KOREA, A PAINTING OR DOLL OF CHICKENS HAVE BEEN GIVEN AS A GIFT WISHING FOR SOCIAL SUCCESS AND A CHARM PREVENTING UNFORTUNATE EVENTS.From the past, chickens have been regarded as 'the first animal to announce the dawn' and as a watchman to signal the beginning of the day. Chickens chase away darkness and evil with their cry and bring light. Chicken..
NO.57 VASE NO.57 VASE MEANING OF CHICKEN TRADITIONALLY, IN KOREA, A PAINTING OR DOLL OF CHICKENS HAVE BEEN GIVEN AS A GIFT WISHING FOR SOCIAL SUCCESS AND A CHARM PREVENTING UNFORTUNATE EVENTS. From the past, chickens have been regarded as 'the first animal to announce the dawn' and as a watchman to signal the beginning of the day. Chickens chase away darkness and evil with their cry and bring light. Chicke..
2017 Macau Art Fair Video 2017 Macau Art Fair Video
Naldak hand painting Naldak hand painting
Leaflet_ POPUPASIA Trade Fair 2017 POP UP ASIA 2017_ TIWAN TAIPEI _TIME : 2017.11.23(목)~11.26(일) 10:00AM~6:00PM _PLACE : Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, Warehouse FOUR ,TAIPEI, TAIWAN (송산 문창원구) 토화랑의 도자기 닭 캐릭터 NALDAK 이 팝업아시아 타이완 타이페이2017에 작년에 이어 두번째 참여하게 되었습니다. 팝업아시아는 아시아 7개국(대만,홍콩,마카오,한국,싱가폴,태국,말레이시아)의 공예작가와 브랜드가 참여하는 핸드메이드 전시로 각국의 작가들과 방문객들이 함께 교류할 수 있는 창작파티와 아시아 각국의 트랜드를 읽을 수 있는 포럼, 퍼포먼스와 음악, 핸드메이트 상품등을 한 자리에서 만날 수 있습니다.
The CREativity X CRAft Fair 2017_in Hongkong The CREativity X CRAft Fair 2017 創意手作設計展 2017 홍콩 크리크라 페어 2017 TIME 20(Fri)-22(Sun)Oct 2017 12:00-21:00 PLACE H4, Rotunda 3, 6/F, Kowloonbay International Trade & Exhibition Centre, Hongkong HOST CRECRA, HONGKONG CERAMIC, GOLDEN NALDAK 지난 10월 날닭이 홍콩을 다녀왔습니다. 크리크라라는 홍콩의 공예박람회를 주최하는 곳에서 감사하게도 날닭을 초대해주셨습니다. 전시전부터 꼼꼼하게 일정을 챙기고 쾌적한 전시공간과 소소한 것들까지 세심히 신경 써주는 크리크라 덕분에 홍콩이 더욱 좋아지게 되었네요. 홍콩의 옛도시와 화려한 도심, ..

10525 THR ceramic studio

49-4, Yonghyeon-ro, Deogyang-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea

Email / info@dogabi.kr            Tel /0507-1330-9976

thr.kr /   thr-ceramic.com/     naldak.kr / dogabi.kr 

사업자 등록번호 : 128-91-63204 / 통신판매업신고증 : 제2019-고양덕양구-0440호

copyrightⓒ2003 by THR ceramic studio

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